My Face When I Hear Burpees Design - Now Available!

Traveling for work is always a bit exhausting, and the last week of my life has been no different.  But the exhaustion and subsuquent sickness from being on an airplane of germs people allowed some time to create some new items for the postWODle* shop on Zazzle.  Most of the time was spent on the Pretty New store, BUT here is the newest design for you active people.

We call it "My Face When I Hear Burpees" and it is available on all of the cool items below and many MANY more thanks to Zazzle.  Whether you do CrossFit, bootcamp or any type of training, you know how horrible burpees are... and who doesn't love a good emoji face!

Oh man you know you hate those dang burpees, so we bring you the “My Face When I Hear Burpees’ upset emoji design. Features a scratched lettering and a very sad emoji face. Style AthleticsOh man you know you hate those dang burpees, so we bring you the “My Face When I Hear Burpees’ upset emoji design. Features a scratched lettering and a very sad emoji face. Style Athletics
Oh man you know you hate those dang burpees, so we bring you the “My Face When I Hear Burpees’ upset emoji design. Features a scratched lettering and a very sad emoji face. Style Athletics
Perfect for keeping track of your PR's!
Oh man you know you hate those dang burpees, so we bring you the “My Face When I Hear Burpees’ upset emoji design. Features a scratched lettering and a very sad emoji face. Style Athletics
And of course, we couldn't have an upset face without putting it on a pacifier!

Design Description: Oh man you know you hate those dang burpees, so we bring you the “My Face When I Hear Burpees’ upset emoji design. Features a scratched lettering and a very sad emoji face.


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