When you really think about it, unless of course you wear
expensive clothes every day (you can ignore this post), then add it all
up. So here it goes, two fictional outfits that I wear
on a somewhat normal basis (no the pictures don't match the list, you'll get over it I promise). Completely
different price points! Ugh. Damn you activewear industry, you got us!
Crop Leggings: Lululemon - $78
Top: Kyodan - $20 (thank God it wasn’t a Lulu top kind of
Sports Bra: Lululemon Free to Be Wild - $38 (because I’m
convinced, if you don’t own one you’re not allowed in a CrossFit)
No-Show Underwear: Victoria’s Secret - $15
Socks: Target - $2 (woohoo!)
- - - - -
Extra but totally necessary crap you use at the gym that day.
Lifting Shoes: Reebok Lifters - $150
Wrist Wraps: Beastette - $20

Gym Bag: Le Sportsac - $90
And if it's rope climb day you'll need your cool sox from Sox Box!
That's $273, PLUS $260 with the extras for a total of:
Top: Romeo & Juliet Couture (Hautelook) - $35
Jeans: NY & Company - $40 (because that place is AWAYS
on sale!)
Bra: C9 Target - $15 (because you want to be comfortable and hate
underwires… haha no? I’m the only one?)
Underwear: Victoria’s Secret - $15
Shoes: Vince Camuto (Hautelook) - $60
Purse: Betsey Johnson - $50
(although I totally wore a dress and sandals the
other day that totaled $35 together, so it could be WAY less)Total $215
So really it’s not ‘funny’ in a haha kind of way so much as
a oh dear lord, why?!?!?! kind of way.
So the next time you judge someone on rocking their workout outfit to
dinner… consider the fact that they may actually be wearing an outfit that
costs more than a ball gown!
CrossFit, the most expensive sport you could ever ‘play’.
Shit man.
Please note that was not an exact science and will not be the same for everyone, so please don't hurt me if it does not apply to you the same.
Please note that was not an exact science and will not be the same for everyone, so please don't hurt me if it does not apply to you the same.
Post contains affiliate links - Using them will not cost you any additional $$, but helps to keep Style Athletics going! : )
Soooo what do you think? Which one are you actually spending more on?
Soooo what do you think? Which one are you actually spending more on?