Kyodan Activewear is Growing!

Style Athletics Workout Clothes Kyodan Activewear Active Clothing California Yoga Running Tennis CrossFit Fitness Gym
If you have ever followed Style Athletics, you have probably noticed a mention or two about Kyodan Activewear.  It has been one of my all-time favorites for a very long time... I mean even before I really knew what Lululemon was.  I have a pair of REALLY old Kyodan pants (in a style I would never wear these days, bootcut pants... I'm a leggings and crop kind of girl) that were so old (but still in great condition otherwise) that I used them for the entire remodel of my home.  They are now covered in paint, but I still hold on to them because they are so awesomely comfortable.  That was a long time ago, when you were lucky if you could find Kyodan in any of the Marshall's or TJMaxx stores in the area.

Since that time, the frequency has grown.  There had been rumors spreading and then shot down that Kyodan was actually made by Lululemon, and if you saw the quality, you'd understand why.  But you'd still be shocked by the affordability of Kyodan.  We now know the two were not associated.  But luckily, Kyodan is growing it appears.  They have launched their own website, and are growing their own social media presence.  They even have lookbooks for you to drool over.  Here are a few screenshots, but you can take a look at the entire thing by visiting the Kyodan Activewear website.
Style Athletics Workout Clothes Kyodan Activewear Active Clothing California Yoga Running Tennis CrossFit Fitness Gym
PS I have these pants!  They are so comfortable!!
Style Athletics Workout Clothes Kyodan Activewear Active Clothing California Yoga Running Tennis CrossFit Fitness Gym Lounge Pants Crop
In the stores you will now come across not only women's activewear pieces, but there is also a girls line (not sure about boys), men's, and a lifestyle line that crosses over more into everyday fashions.

While they are still not selling direct that I can see, you can see the 'new in stores' section of the website (like the cute pink tank top and sports bra below), and you can still find it at your favorite Marshall's, TJMaxx and I know there are a few other stores in different parts of the country.  There is also now a Kyodan line at Kohl's called Pro Series by Kyodan, but we'll have more on that later.
Style Athletics Workout Clothes Kyodan Activewear Active Clothing California Yoga Running Tennis CrossFit Fitness Gym Pink Tank Top Sports Bra
Below is some info from the Kyodan website in their about section.  It says they have been around since 2006, and I feel like I bought my pants in 2007, so I'm not far from the beginning!  Long time supporter here :)  Can't wait to see what is in store for them!
Established in 2006, Kyodan ® is a leading active wear company based in Montreal. Kyodan ® aims to produce high quality garments with innovative designs for the best fit and feel for your workout. Emerging onto different levels of the global market, Kyodan ® is more than just a brand but also a source of energy and confidence.
Built for endurance, performance & comfort; we are known for our versatility, functionality & leading aesthetics.
Kyodan’s ® design philosophy is to integrate fashion into the active wear world allowing its clothing to be worn for yoga, working out, but also for your everyday life.
Kyodan’s ® belief is that through the enrichment of the mind, nourishment of the body and enlightenment of the soul can one lead a healthy lifestyle.
Kyodan ® “It All Starts Here”


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