Meet The New postWODle Items In My Zazzle Shop - Oh And a New Blog Too!!

I'm back bitches.  Ok, obviously I've been watching too much Pretty Little Liars, but hey I did almost meet Lucy Hale last Sunday.  Every time I think I'm out or too busy for Style Athletics (which happens on occasion), it keeps pulling me back in.  I think it's my constant obsession with workout clothes... which is appropriate for this site, but bad for the wallet.  So it is no surprise I ended up trying to come up with my own goodies.  I mentioned postWODle in the past, but I've really been trying to work on it lately.  I may have AGAIN bitten off more than I can chew, but hey let's give it a shot.  

As one of the first returning posts, I thought I’d take this opportunity to show you some of the new designs at the postWODle* shop on Zazzle.  All of the styles are available on tons of products.  More styles to come!  So far most of the topics focus on CrossFit, but it is growing everyday.

Style Athletics Cute Workout Clothes Activewear PostWODle Zazzle Store CrossFit Girl Barbell Assault Bike Enemy Sucks Tank TopStyle Athletics Cute Workout Clothes Activewear PostWODle Zazzle Store CrossFit Girl Barbell  Be the Burpee Burpees Pink Purple
Style Athletics Cute Workout Clothes Activewear PostWODle Zazzle Store CrossFit Girl Barbell I Heart My Six Packs and Racks Boobs Weightlifting Cans Abs Muscles Pink HatStyle Athletics Cute Workout Clothes Activewear PostWODle Zazzle Store CrossFit Girl Barbell Sore Muscles Fitness Pink Black
*postWODle was named for the ‘waddle’ that CrossFitters get from soreness post ‘WOD’(workout of the day for you non-CrossFitters).  

And while we are on the 'new' subject, check out my new site, Pretty New!  It focuses on my creative journey to working for myself!  It's the (even more) girly side of me!  It has it's own Zazzle shop as well by the very same name, with cute girly items including my favorite so far, 'Thigh Gaps Are For Flamingos'!  Celebrate the strong sexy women of the world.
Style Athletics Pretty New Thigh Gaps Are for Flamingos Pink Bird Notepad Zazzle Store


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