I wanted to introduce you to some super cute jewelry that is available these days! You should definitely keep these in mind for graduation gifts, bday presents and just every day fun. How awesome are all of these little gems that are perfect to inspire and remind you of your strength, determination or just there for general motivation. There are so many cute companies out there making fitness related jewelry for just about any type of workout, but today we will just visit one:
Meet Unbroken Designs! They also have apparel and other goodies. How cute is the jump rope necklace? And the little kettlebells oh my! You can even get matching keychains.
Here are some of the awesome weightlifting belts they also have. So on trend for right now! I'm pretty sure you can ombre anything these days!
I haven't yet ventured into wearing a belt for lifting (although I'm sure I should with my former lower back issues), but these cute designs could definitely encourage me to start. And coolest of all, Unbroken Designs was actually started by two CrossFit girls!
So how about you guys, do you have any pieces of jewelry that make you feel powerful?
Follow them on Instagram @UnbrokenDesigns