In Search of New Lightweight Workout Jackets

I am on the hunt!  I LOVE lightweight workout jackets, because let's be honest.  They are so useful!  You can wear them to the gym before and after, duh.  You can wear them around the house.  You can wear them to run errands.  And if you are like me, you can wear them to work on your remodel... and of course that is how we got here to the point of needing new ones.  Yeah I've destroyed a couple, but they are just so easy to move in!

Here are a couple of my existing ones that I absolutely love, but will soon be forced to retire.  I have quite a few, all with the requirement of having a unique feature.
Style Athletics Teal Aqua Blue Kyodan Pleated JAcketStyle Athletics Teal Aqua Blue Kyodan Pleated JAcket

Style Athletics Target C9 Pink Long Sleeve Top

And a couple I am eyeing on but shouldn't be spending money on right now.  Stupid home is cutting into my wardrobe!

Style Athletics Black Kyodan Open Aztec Mesh JAcket ZipperStyle Athletics Black Kyodan Open Aztec Mesh JAcket Zipper

Style Athletics Pink Gray Stripe Kyodan JAcket ZipperStyle Athletics Pink Gray Stripe Kyodan JAcket Zipper


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