Virtual Shopping - Bia Brazil USA

Looking for a little spice in your workout life?  Search no further than Bia Brazil USA's new line.  PS, thanks for the Follow Friday love!!

You have probably noticed in my virtual shopping that I typically stick with black bottoms... it's not that I don't like the fun colors and the very great gray tones, it's just that I sweat through EVERYTHING!  I mean everything!  And who likes crotch sweat marks? Certainly not this girl!  

Anyway, back to the fashion.  Bia Brazil offers a TON of pants, crops, tops, jackets, shorts, sports bras and even body suits!!  The most interesting thing that I found out about this line... everything is one size fits all.  The clothes are made to stretch to fit any size, but will return to their original shape.  Interesting concept no?
Style Athletics Bia Brazil USA Workout CLothes Fitness AThletic Apparel Tank Top Sports BRa Pants

I don't currently own any pants that are this style (below), but I have to say they look super comfortable and cute... I'm definitely liking!!! 
Style Athletics Bia Brazil USA Workout CLothes Fitness AThletic Apparel Black Drawstring Pants
And for the more adventurous pant wearers.
Style Athletics Bia Brazil USA Workout CLothes Fitness AThletic Apparel
About Bia Brazil: Style Athletics Bia Brazil USA Workout CLothes Fitness AThletic Apparel

PS, I found out from the company that they do take e-mail and phone orders if you are not lucky enough to live by a store!


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