In another version of who knew they made that... here we have JCPenney's Xersion activewear line. I actually DID know they had this awesome line, and own a fair amount of pieces! It helps that the line is made of decent material, mimics the more popular/expensive companies and is EXTREMELY affordable. I'm sure you are aware that they always have discounts going on, and if you sign up you receive a new coupon, oh, about every two days.
This makes tops in the $15-25 range and pants in the $25-35 range... as long as it is on sale and you use a coupon, but no big deal. It is also nice that everything fits well and is actually FLATTERING! Always key I know. :)
Below are a few of their current offerings, but they get new stuff in all the time.
I think by now I have about 3 pairs of pants, 2 crops and six tops. They also offer shorts, sports bras, sweatshirts, skirts and jackets. I highly suggest you head on over to JCPenney and take a look for yourself.